StartPoint Prize

During its eleven years of existence, StartPoint has evolved from a national exhibition of graduation projects to an extensive European prize that follows emerging artistic talents. This year, four curators with other cooperators explored 34 art schools from 16 European countries in order to select the most interesting graduation projects, which then pass through further rounds of selection until the final exhibition, which features 18 of the most distinctive artists. All candidates from all schools can be seen on the project’s website.

However, StartPoint is also about encounters between artists and experts across countries, traditions and genres that can bring both them and the audience new opportunities

for comparison. There is also a residential programme “STARTED” for the overall winner and other prizewinning finalists, which aims to continue this process.

This year, the exhibition of StartPoint finalists will time take place for the second in Prague in the beautiful space of DOX Center for contemporary art. The main exhibition is followed by other selective exhibition in the Zwarte Zaal of KASK in Gent, at the Victoria Art Center in Bucharest and in the Open Gallery in Bratislava.

On the day of the opening of the exhibition, the international jury awards the main prize and several honorary mentions. All the prize holders are awarded a month-long residency in Prague together with an exhibition in the following year; the main winner also gets the production of his/her own catalogue. The Award of the Czech Centres for local artists consists of a stay at one of the Czech Centres abroad.

STARTPOINT is supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union.